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Compagnie ATeKa – Abdoulaye Trésor Konaté (France)
24. June 2023 | 20:00 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr
Sugar – what comes to mind? Unhealthy? Delicious? Less of it, says the brain. More of it, the stomach. The dance theater production explores precisely these contradictory associations and creates a creative vortex out of a single word. No story is told, rather all body-language expressions revolve around the multi-layered term – in a constant back and forth, in body refrains, in rituals, Abdoulaye Trésor Konaté allows various sensations to arise around the word “sugar,” which ultimately sums up the nature of humanity, capable of the worst as well as the best.
In 2015, Abdoulaye Trésor Konaté changed the name of his company to “ATeKa”, following the initials of his first and last name. Finally, biographical origins play a major role in his work, which is created at the intersection of African culture and contemporary dance in Europe.
Concept / Choreography / Dance: Abdoulaye Trésor Konaté
Actors: Philipe Irié
Music: Thibault Cohade
Stage design: Ikhyeon Park
Costume design: Julie Ancel
Texts: Jean-Pierre Hamon
Light design: Blaise Jacquemin
External consultants: Marc Veh and Nadia Beugre
Graphic design (Cover/Logo): Magalie Comoretto
Production: Association JASP’
Duration: 60 min
With the support of the Ministry of Culture – DRAC Grand Est / the Grand Est Region / the City of Strasbourg / the Institut Français Paris/ Spedidam / Adami
Co-production: Pole Sud CDCN de Strasbourg, Institut Français de Paris, Pôle Danse des Ardennes with the support of the Château Musée Vodou de Strasbourg and the Association Laboratorio Arts Contemporains (Benin)
With the kind support of the Institut Français and the French Ministry of Culture.