Dancing neighbors

The “Dancing Neighbors” project is an initiative launched by Chemnitz 2025 to engage older adults through dance and movement, fostering connections among them.

“Dancing Neighbors” –
Japanese Choreographers Visit Chemnitz

For five days, 60 elderly people danced in the Hartmann Factory, guided by Japanese choreographers Yoko Ando and Ryu Suzuki. From May 30 to June 3, 2024, they conducted the first of three planned intensive workshops. This offering is a collaboration between Chemnitz 2025, Dance Base Yokohama, and the Theaters of Chemnitz as part of the dance project “Dancing Neighbors”.

Dance and movement became the common language between the guests from Japan and the participants from Chemnitz. The oldest participant was 87 years old. “In such a short time, we have become a dance company,” he said. Another participant concluded: “In everyday life, we older people are often overlooked. In this workshop, we trained our physical presence. I felt seen, and that was amazing.”

The Team Generation of Chemnitz 2025 invited Yoko Ando and Ryu Suzuki to share their experience working with older adults here in Chemnitz. Yoko Ando was a dancer for many years with the world-renowned Forsythe Company. Now, along with dancer and choreographer Ryu Suzuki, she is part of the team at Dance Base Yokohama, a center for contemporary dance and choreography in Japan.

The workshop is part of the “Dancing Neighbors” project, initiated by Team Generation and launched in early May with high demand. Two weekly movement classes for older adults are led by former dancer Terrry Pedersen Pfeiffer, with 90 seniors currently participating. Another weekly dance class, also led by Terrry Pedersen Pfeiffer, is offered by the Ballet of the Theaters of Chemnitz. Participants from all three groups have now come together for this intensive workshop.

In Japan, demographic changes toward an increasingly older population are occurring much faster than in Germany. Therefore, there is already extensive experience with participatory programs for older adults. Accompanying scientific studies show that artistic projects under professional guidance are particularly successful in helping older people stay active and participate in social life.

In Chemnitz, the proportion of the older population is particularly high, making work with this generation a key focus in the European Capital of Culture program. The collaboration with Dance Base Yokohama is intended to extend beyond the three workshops planned for this year and be established long-term in close cooperation between Chemnitz 2025 and the Festival Tanz | Moderne | Tanz led by Ballet Director Sabrina Sadowska. A first performance is planned for the opening of Chemnitz 2025 on January 18, 2025, with several more during the European Capital of Culture year.

Alexandra Takats and Michal Sandor from the program team of Chemnitz 2025 organized the workshops and were overwhelmed by the positive feedback: “An important piece of feedback from the participants was that they felt the encounter with the two professional dancers was an exchange at eye level and felt how quickly a sense of community can develop through this joint activity.”

Images: Peter Rossner

Yoko Ando’s exercise technique for older people

The DANCE Office and the association TANZ | MODERNE | TANZ e.V. are made possible with the kind support of the Culture Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, the municipal art and culture funding of the City of Chemnitz, and the Culture Capital Budget.