- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.

In 1911, the artist Max Klinger (1857 – 1920) was commissioned by the Chemnitz textile manufacturer Kommerzienrat Hans Hermann Vogel to paint a mural for the council chamber of the new town hall. The title of the commission: Work – Prosperity – Beauty. The mural was finally completed at the beginning of 1918 and was exhibited in the auditorium of Leipzig University and in the summer exhibition of the Freie Sezession in Berlin before being installed in Chemnitz. It was moved to its final destination and installed in mid-July. This time, our anniversary bike tour is inspired by these themes and discovers old and new places in a dance-based way.
Concept: Sabrina Sadowska
Dance: Ballet Chemnitz
Stations: Villa Zimmermann // Alte Maschienenfabrik Gebr. Unger // Erstes Bahnbetriebswerk // Kunstgewerkhaus // DASTietz // Alte Schmiede // Alte Post //Rathaus
Ballet Chemnitz: In the 1920s and 1930s, various dance artists made a name for themselves nationwide with important premieres. Guest performances by Mary Wigman and Gret Palucca also attracted the attention of the scene to Chemnitz. After the ensemble was forced into armaments production during the Second World War, Wigman student Thea Maaß and Jean Weidt rebuilt the Chemnitz Ballet and led it to national renown. Under the direction of ballet director Sabrina Sadowska, the international ballet ensemble of Theater Chemnitz is dedicated to a broad artistic spectrum, from classical narrative ballet to contemporary experimental dance and international collaborations.
Please bring your own bike – Limited number of participants – Meeting point Theaterplatz
Registration at: tickets@theater-chemnitz.de
Bild: ©Michal Sandor